High return investment economic Oxygen Nitrogen seperator.
How does it work? Process flow diagram
Air contains 21% Oxygen, 78% Nitrogen, 0.9% Argon and 0.1% other trace gases. Oxygen plant separates this oxygen from Compressed Air through a unique process called Pressure Swing Adsorption. (PSA).
The Pressure Swing Adsorption process for the generation of enriched oxygen gas from ambient air utilizes the ability of a synthetic Zeolite Molecular Sieve to absorb mainly nitrogen. While nitrogen concentrates in the pore system of the Zeolite, Oxygen Gas is produced as a product.
Oxygen generation plant's use two vessels filled with Zeolite Molecular sieve as adsorbers. As Compressed Air passes up through one of the adsorbers, the molecular sieve selectively adsorbs the Nitrogen. This then allows the remaining Oxygen to pass on up through the adsorber and exit as a product gas. When the adsorber becomes saturated with Nitrogen the inlet airflow is switched to the second adsorber. The first adsorber is regenerated by desorbing nitrogen through depressurization and purging it with some of the product oxygen. The cycle is then repeated and the pressure is continually swinging between a higher level at adsorption (Production) and a lower level at desorption (Regeneration).
Eletricity + air = oxygen (for medical and industrial use) + nitrogen(For industrial and food perservation) = More Money$$$
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Oxygen seperation plant example Installation on site ISO09001+ISO04001+ISO45001+Service Certified Turn air to oxygen, Send Inquiry Now!